
Save On BIG FOOT ALUMINUM BAR CLAMP - 12" By Peachtree Woodworking - PW613 For Sale

BIG FOOT ALUMINUM BAR CLAMP - 12" By Peachtree Woodworking - PW613 Features

  • 12" Bigfoot is made of lightweight aluminum for easy handling
  • Extra wide for great stability when clamping
  • Easy turn handle is raised to clear your work surface
  • Available in convenient sizes: 12", 24", 36", 48" - Each sold separately

BIG FOOT ALUMINUM BAR CLAMP - 12" By Peachtree Woodworking - PW613 Overview

The Bigfoot clamp bar is constructed of super lightweight aluminum for easy handling. Our specially designed base is extra wide for great stability when clamping your stock. An easy to turn handle is raised to clear your work surface so you won't scrape your knuckles while rotating.


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