
you looking for low priced Jorgensen 7260 60 I-Bar Clamp?

Cheap Jorgensen 7260 60 I-Bar Clamp Online

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Jorgensen 7260 60 I-Bar Clamp and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Jorgensen 7260 60 I-Bar Clamp Specification

  • 5 feet maximum opening
  • Made of extra carbon & manganese
  • Multiple disc clutch grips automatically
  • Secure and grip with easy release
  • Fixed head design

Jorgensen 7260 60 I-Bar Clamp Overview

Heavy duty design makes these are most popular edge gluing steel bar clamps for the professional woodworker. Style 7200 bar clamps have 2â? x 1-3/4â? clamping faces. The â??Iâ? bar design gives visible assurance of great strength and stiffness. Style 7200 has a fixed head design: the fixed head is threaded to accommodate the screw. The screws and handles are used for final clamping adjustments only. Five clutch discs and one clutch spring constitute the Multiple â?"Disc-Clutch for Style 7200 [else][endif] [if
  • 5 feet maximum opening
  • Made of extra carbon & manganese
  • Multiple disc clutch grips automatically
  • Secure and grip with easy release
  • Fixed head design

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