
Discount Quick-Grip 530062 Micro Bar Clamp Online Shop

Quick-Grip 530062 Micro Bar Clamp

you looking for low price Quick-Grip 530062 Micro Bar Clamp?

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Quick-Grip 530062 Micro Bar Clamp

  • 4-1/4" max. jaw opening; 2-pack
  • Quick-Grip Micro Bar Clamps have positive locking action to hold work tight
  • Ideal for clamping small and odd shapes securely for home, crafts or hobby work
  • Quick-Grip Micro Bar Clamps can also be used as spreaders
  • Full lifetime warranty

Quick-Grip 530062 Micro Bar Clamp
Set includes 2 each of model No. 53006. Small size of the popular Quick Grip bar clamp line (smaller than mini Quick Grip). High carbon, heat treated steel bar. Soft, durable pads protect delicate work. Easily converts from clamp to spreader. Small size m

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